The Importance of Portrait Photography
Question: Why is having a professional portrait taken so important?
Have you always been the person that hides behind the camera and takes the pictures to avoid having your photo taken? I can say that I am guilty of that.
However, I realised that it is important to #existinphotos. In years to come when members of your family are looking for photos of you, what will they find?
You may be thinking “when”:
• I lose weight
• my kids are older
• I am in a better place
• the time is right.
The thing is, the right time is NOW. If you keep putting it off until when that “when” happens, it may never happen. Because by then, new reasons exist such as:
• I’m too old now
• Who wants photos of me now
• I’m heavier now
Question: When is the best time to have my portrait taken?
You should have photos taken of you at each stage of your life for you and your family and friends to look back on. I recently sorted through my boxes of photographs (from back in the day of film when actual photos existed rather than just images on a computer) and really enjoyed visiting those times of my life. At the time when the photos were taken, I may have had one of those “when” thoughts. But looking back on them now, those “when” thoughts don’t matter years later.
Those photos were just from holidays, family gatherings, social gatherings etc but I don’t have any professional images where I am looking my best. Think back to images you might have of grandparents or great grandparents. Do you have a beautiful professional portrait of them all of these years later from different stages of their life? Is that something that you can say that you have of yourself? That is something that I don’t have but am looking at changing from now on.
I can do this for you. You can come in and make a day of it. I have a professional hair and makeup artist that will come in and pamper you and make you look your best. Bring in a couple of outfits and I will take the best image of you that you have ever seen. But don’t forget to book a night out afterwards, because you will look gorgeous.
So if you want to ensure you #existinphotos for your family and future generations to enjoy, contact me to book in a consultation so we can design your very own photoshoot to capture those beautiful images.
Photo of me taken by Victoria Burcusel
#beautiful, #brisbanephotography, #brisbaneportraits, #existinphotos, #gorgeous, #portraits